Monday, May 12, 2008

ch. 29 HW due 5/12/08... ws F

1. The goal of the freedom riders was to test the Supreme Court Descisions banning segregation on public buses and to provoke a violent reaction that would convince the Kennedy administration to enforce the law.
2. The Kennedy administration reacted by sending in 400 US marshalls to protect the freedom riders.
3. The goal of the march on Washington was to persuade Congress to pass the civil rights bill that would guarantee equal access to all public accomodations and give the US attorney general the power to file school desegregation suits.
4. More than 250,000 people (civilians), including about 75,000 whites, attended the march.
5. The goal of the Freedom Summer project was to receive national publicity and influence Congress to pass a voting rights act.
6. Many college students volunteered for the project.
7. It showed America (and the governement) how bad and unfair things were, and Johnson's Voting Rights Act of 1965 was finally passed.
8. President Johnson quickly presented Congress with a new voting rights act and asked for its swift passage.
9. The Voting Rights Act outlawed the so-called literacy tests that had disqualified many voters.
10. It stated that federal examiners could enroll voters who had been denied suffrage by local officials, and the percentage of registered African-American voters rose after that.

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