Saturday, May 3, 2008

ch. 25 HW due 5/5/08

25.C (WS)
1. Why do you think the war ration book requires information on a person’s age, sex, weight, height, and occupation?
This was for identity purposes (so they could make sure it was REALLY YOUR book/stamps), and so that the government could decide how much food/goods you should be allowed; if you were a bigger person, you would need more food, etc.
2. What was the penalty for violating rationing regulations?
You could go to jail for 6 months, get your stamps taken away or be refused more, etc.
3. Most Americans during World War II accepted rationing. Why do you think this was so?
They considered it their personal contribution to the war effort; this was their way of supporting their country and troops, so they were ok with it.

--> growth/impact of centralized state power: This showed growth of centralized state power because the government was now deciding how much food which person could buy, and what to do about it if the people didn't comply.

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