Wednesday, June 4, 2008

ch. 34 HW 6/4/08 ws.34c (A Bridge to the Future)

1. Clinton proposes to expand opportunities through education (improving it and making it available to everyone). He wants to make 2 years of college as common or "universal" as a high school education and have "highly trained teachers demand peak performance from their students."

2. He thinks we must break the cycle of poverty and dependence; educate (all) Americans and help them "succeed at home and at work"; protect the environment and society/"our streets"; and maintain values, good leadership, and the budget.

3. He says he vetoed the budget because it "violated those values and principles" (the principle to "preserve Medicare, Medicaid, education, the environment, the integrity of our pensions, the strength of our people."

4. The value America places on knowledge will make us want to keep learning more and "build a bridge to the future", as will the tradition to try your best and work to gain something better in life (i.e. The American Dream).

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