Sunday, November 4, 2007

ch.19 sct.4 C.T.#5

I think the Germans will be outraged by the Treaty of Versailles. The treaty humiliated Germany! The war-guilt clause layed the entire blame of thge war on Germany, but other countries had been involved, and I think Germany will point that out (angrily). As for the reparations, Germany could not even pay them, so they'll probably think that is ridiculous and they shouldn't have to pay for all that since other countries were involved in the war and should also be held reaponsible. In addition to having to return the region of Alsace-Lorraine to Fance, Germany was also stripped of its colonial possessions in the Pacific, which might have helped it pay its reparations bill. They will probably be furious if this plan goes through and they have to sacrifice so much... after all, they were "just trying to protect" their friend, Austria-Hungary.

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