Thursday, November 15, 2007

ch. 21 sct.4 C.T.#5

The Harlem Renaissance contributed not only creativity and advances in culture (entertainment, ect.), but advancement and (more) acceptance of blacks in society in American society.
The history of general America was affected by the creativity of blacks, which produced new forms of entertainment such as jazz music, new theatre productions performed by blacks, and more. A lot of new literature was also produced in the Renaissance. New forms of literature and other blossoms of creativity helped to further and widen American culture. Whites started appreciating, liking, and indulging in the the new performances, music, and other things blacks were producing.
For blacks, this appreciation by whites was key to their slight rise in society. Some of them became famous writers or performers, and new opportunities were opened for their people through this Renaissance. The blacks were finally making a comeback (however small it might start) in American society.

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