Sunday, November 4, 2007

ch.19 sct.2 C.T.#3

WW1 represented a frightening new kind of warfare because of the new military technology which resulted in large casualty figures, shell shock, and many other horrors.
The new military technology included the invention and use of machine guns, tanks, airplanes, and poison gases. Machine guns were much faster than previous models (p.590), which meant they take away more lives much faster. Tanks made advancement into enemy camps much easier (p.590), and powerful guns were often mounted on the tanks, adding to the destruction. Airplanes made it possible for big-scale bombing and more detailed information-finding. Poison gases killed many soldiers by making them sick and/or suffocating, burning, and blinding them (p.591).
Many soldiers that did survive came out of the war with not only phisical health issues such as lost limbs, but emotional/mental health problems such as shell shock, which was developed from the explosions and many other terrors of the war and made veterans go pretty much crazy or lose their memory, ect.(p.591). This showed the devastating effects of the new kind of warfare started by WW1.
Another reflection of this was in the huge casualty figures. Deaths numbered about 22 million, and more than half of them were civilians. 20 million were wounded and 10 million more became refugees.(p.593). That is a lot of people that lost their lives, health, or least their way of life. War World 1 was the bloodiest war in history up to that time, and the major reason was the advancement in military technology, which led to this frightening new kind of warfare.

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