Monday, March 3, 2008

project theme 2

My new theme is #5:
*Evaluate the development of scientific reasoning, technology, and formal education over time and their effects on people's health, standards of living, economic growth, government, religious beliefs, communal life, and the environment.
MCAS standards:
-Analyze the following domestic policies of Presidents Truman and Eisenhower:
Truman's Fair Deal
the Taft-Harley Act (1947)
Eisenhower's response to the Soviet's launching of Sputnik
Eisenhower's civil rights record
-Analyze the origins, goals, and key events of the civil Rights movement.
-Analyze the important domestic policies and events that took place during the presidencies of Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon.
-Analyze the important domestic policies and events of the Clinton presidency.

The chapters of the textbook that will help me get started are:
27 The Postwar Boom (Truman)
28 Kennedy and the Cold War (Kennedy, Johnson)
29 Civil Rights
(possibly) 30 The Vietnam War Years (Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon)

I am doing another timeline for this theme because I feel that is an efficient way to communicate this theme through these standards.

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