Monday, January 7, 2008

ch. 24 (WWII) assignments

GUIDED READING: Dictators Threaten World Peace chapter 24 sct.1
A. As you read this section, take notes about the rise of dictators in Europe and Asia.
............ 1. Joseph Stalin............................................. 2. Benito Mussolini......................................... 3. Adolf Hitler
Nation:........Russia (Soviet Union) .......................................... Italy................................................................Germany,

Political ....... movement ... and............... industrial power.................................. government............................................
beliefs: ......
Aggressive....... actions taken..... no rights for people!........................ every aspect of Italian life......................... Third Reich and Nazi army
in the 1920s.... and 1930s:......... "stood in his way".........................

............................................................. 4. Japanese Militarists......................................5. Francisco Franco
Nation: ............................................................. Japan (to china)..............................................Spain

Political movement and beliefs:...............
Aggressive actions taken the................... in the 1920s and 1930s:

In a totalitarian state, individuals have no rights, and the government suppresses all opposition.
The Neutrality Acts were important because they kept America from engaging in the war, until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, anyway. The course of the war might have been a little different if America had gotten involved earlier...

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