Friday, February 29, 2008

HEY my project (timeline) is at the BOTTOM of the page!!!
this is my intro

this is my conclusion

Friday, February 8, 2008

Project Progress... (most of) what i have so far

WW11: -Germans thought themselves superior, "Jews are nothing" -Holocaust: "work", concentration, and death camps restricted Jews' personal freedoms; the German nazis had no respect for the human dignity of the Jews. -at this time, other dictators/governments establishing totalitarian states,individuals had no rights and governments had all power (responsibilty with it)

Cilvil Rights Movement (accomplishments): -Desegregation (court ruled segregation unconstitutional in Brown vs. Board of Education) in schools, (1961) buses, public places (i.e. lunch counters) -Civil Rights Act of 1964 (EEOC to enforce equal rights for everyone)

Causes and course of Women's Rights Movement (60s-70s): CAUSES: -unfair treatment (role in society/family, job opportunities, roles in social movements) -Betty Friedan (+ others) that brought about the realizing of this unequal treatment and women's unhappiness -existing conditions (time period) set the stage for reform in social areas like personal rights
COURSE: -Civil Rights Act 1964 (EEOC)-> women push for child care centers, urge EEOC to stop discrimination in job ads and acceptance.

Major Economic And Social Trends of Late 20th century: SOCIAL: -groups/individuals fighting for and gaining personal freedoms and rights (African Americans, women, ect.)
ECONOMIC: -growing population ->more workers for economy ->industrial development

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

current events summary 2/5/08

For the past few weeks, there has been a cold spell in China and there is a lot of snow that is causing damage there. It has wrecked winter crops, posing a future food shortage which (of course) could later lead to higher food prices and (further) inflation. This heavy snowfall has also damaged homes and caused power outages, difficulty in traveling for the many people trying to reach home for the Chinese new year, and even some deaths. The state and its troops are working hard to clear roads and such, and this snow spell will probably end up costing the state (country) and the economy as a whole a lot of money and hardship.
The Bank of China is reporting growth and profits, contrary to the Bank's losses that media reports were apparently suggesting. There are conflicting reports about its shares and time will tell the true state of the Bank of China.
A different report claims that China's economy is (and has been) expanding, helped by increased exports and a boom in the construction industry. Officials warned that overheating is a danger, and inflation is also a serious concern, with many Chinese people hit by recent dramatic increases in food prices. With consumer prices rising at their fastest rate in 11 years, China's inflation is a sign of economic woes.